Dumb Laws In Virginia
*Citizens must honk their horn while passing other cars.
*Children are not to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
*It is illegal to tickle women.
*No animal may be hunted for on Sunday with the exception of raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 AM.
xoxo - Good Night
P.S Campbells "Healthy Choice" Southwestern Soup, TASTES LIKE SHIT!
Just warning you all =)
12 Hour Drive.! Blää
Military Funeral & Forever 21
Oh well, after the Final ceremony we finally went to the mall.. Forever21..!! yeeey got two pairs of jeans, and guess what, they were the wrong size as usual...so now i have to change them...story of my life..lol!!!?
So the funeral day...
Well after th funeral ceremony, We were supposed to go to the mall, but instead my family was completely fascinated by MEIJERS..so we ended up spending hours there..lol and then we went to the holiday inn, (where aunt jen was staying) and we ordered some pizza...mmmm! and played some games, sat by the pool and relaxed and talked, =) yeey... but at around 9.30 my dad had to drive Bea, knoxx and myself back to our hotel because it was getting just waay too late... My parents and benny ended up staying waay longer...But I'm a mommy now, i cant stay up that long...lol
Traveling With Knoxx For The First Time! <3
I ended up staying up ALL NIGHT LONG PACKING!!! and i still managed to forget some of the most imjportant things for my baby...his BABYBJÖRN and the top part of his wagon, which covers him from the sun whenever he's laying down in it sleeping...buuuuu! lol
Ulf (my dad's co-worker) came to pick us up at 6 o'clock... lol it's so funny swedes are always on TIME! haha not like us africans, but yea, he came to pick us up, and we were supposed to leave at 6, but we left at around 6.20 thinking it was no problem since it only takes about 50min to drive to ARLANDA (our airport) boy oh boy were we wrong!!! there was SOO MUCH TRAFFIC because of an accident! and we ended up getting there at 08.20... and then to make it all worse they had changed some dumb rule about swedes traveling to the states so my mom (who's the only one with a swedish passport) had to go get something called ESTA, thank god it only took about 10minutes to complete that process. ! and then we were finally on the plane! First Stop Was AMSTERDAM!! yeey,so now knoxx has been to both sweden and holland! here's the dumb thing, the plane was 20min late, so instead of having our comfortable 45mins layover we ended having a 25min layover... and it took about 10min to get off th eplane and gather all our things together, SO then we had to walk from gate E89 to D24 in 15min, umm, yea that didnt happen, but thank God we have so much luck LOL and and they were holding the flight on ground waiting for us, so we ended up delaying the fllight for about umm...20min...?!! lol but then we were FINALLY on our way to michigan! first we haqd another layover in detroit before flying into kalamazoo, but thank god that layover was not as stressful and muscle killing as the first one!! So Now by baby Knoxx has been to Three Countries!!! Im so excited about starting this new life!!!
My Stressy Last Day In Sweden...
SUNDAY - well we were supposed to go to church, BUT as usual, that didnt happen...lol I guess we had just waaaay tooo much stuff 2 do... Oh yea...it was the last day for elections in sweden....So as i was running out the door to go vote my cousin and god daughter came walking through the door (Fatumah and Emma) and then right when nwe were walking out the door my mom shows up, so we got a ride down the street to the voting hall...!
I voted for Mr. Stephen Brawer in Europiska arbetar partiet... (yes you guessed right yes, that is my father) *If anyone is interested in reading what he works with...umm... I'll get you the site later...=)
so then it was packing time,,,i packed all day long but then i didnt get done cause I still needed one more suitcase...LOL
So then monday came along..and omg that was one seriously BUSY day.!!!
My friend Fiona called me and wanted to come and see me real fast before i leave, but she really wanted to see KNOXX, lol =) ...I picked her from the bus stop though cuz we had to run to Tumba Centrum, jappjapp...I had to get ome lasy minute things... like a "näspirator" (thingy that pulls snot out of a babys nose) and my bea came with me as well of course! lol =) But in order to go get the näspirator i had to pick up money my baby sent me ...yeeey..=) so after tumba centum we went back to my placehad a little snack time...tea and the usual you know, But we were somewhat in a hurry cause feyo was supposed to have class and could only hang out for about an hour. I had promised Knoxx's god father Nathaniel to meet him before I left, so i was going to go to the closest shopping center to me, which is Skärholmen, and there I met sandra and Kristina as well...lol kinda hit 3birds with one stone., I ended up finding this one "dress/tunika/sweater" in H&M ... and thats also when i remembered what i was really supposed to do in Tumba centrum..lol I was supposed to pick up these pictures I had left in FujiFilm for developing (I promised Doug to have a bunch of Pictures made for his dad Jessie) So after going to skärholmen, (and after forgeting sandras camera at home that I had borrowed) I had to say good bye to nathaniel and Feyo =( and then drive sandra and kristina and my lil baby back home to pick up her camera, yeey and then drive my mom to Hallunda (she had a meeting in S:t Botvid, my old high school) at 15.00 and dropped sandra and kristina off in Alby sooo bye bye my sandy, I hope I get to see you soon again =(
I drove back home, picked bea up, changed knoxx diaperand then we were off to tumba sjukhus (tumba hospital) to pick up a doctors note that knoxx needs for the move to korea, but guess what these idiots did, they wrote it all in SWEDISH...lol yea, so thats probably going to be pretty useless....lol after TUMBA sjukhus we drove to (we being Bea knoxx and I) Huddinge sjukhus which is the hospital knoxx was born in, and i had to pick up the swedish version of a birth certificate...lol it doesnt even have his name on it...lol and then FINALLY we went to tumab centrum to pick up my pictures...=)
and then i could finally go back home to finish Packing...!
it was already 19.30 by the time we were done with everything..!
Chicago Fashion
I was messing around looking through some old e-mails, and all of a sudden i came across this old flick of myself from a cold chicago winter shoot.
Enjoy !
I'm Still Not Done...
Radio & Weasel - Olina ability
A Little Ugandan Music For Ya'll 2 Enjoy!!!
(For those of you who didnt know, I'm half Ugandan!)
- The pearl belongs to my heart -
still packing....
Fat Boy On Roller Coaster...!
These Busy Days, I Tell You...!
Im so tired... That's how I've been feeling a lot lately...ush...
I woke up super early this morning (07.00) because thats when my absolutely gorgeous son wanted to wake up, here is the difference between me and him though, he can sleep whenever he wants, but i can't lol, So seven o'clock this morning is when my day started..! I was supposed to meet the bästis Sandra in Skärholmen, but that didnt happen since my mom and I had to Drive the WHOLE way to ARLANDA (Stockholms Airport) To pick my sons Ticket, because they have some dumb rule about children under 2, can't travel with an e-ticket? lol...whatever. It was a pretty awesome roadtrip though, played Yellow Car (basically point out as many yellow cars you can spot) and listened to some music..=) we were supposed to go home, but then my mom decided to take me window shopping...(can never get enough of any kind of shopping)... Since i'm in some desperate need of a black nice dress for my grandfathers funeral next week... which reminds me... omg omg omg I get to see my HUSBAND next week... it has been exactly 38 weeks & 4 Days since I last saw him...! yea i know what you're thinking...I dont know how the hell i did it either...oh well, at least I've had my lil man keeping me company for the passed 3months, so I cant complaing TOO much!
I ended up finding an Awesome Dress..! it is Sooo pretty, it's black kind of Half tight, one shoulder with a pretty bow on it... half sexy but absolutely perfect and 100% Yaya..! (umm, yea, that would be me)... GINA TRICOT Is definitely the store when it comes 2 dresses... I guess you could say Gina Tricot Is My Forever21 Here in Sweden... OH how i can't wait till i get to shop in forever21 again. =)
Well, now it's time to listen to some music,
ttyl <3 xoxo
p.s My cousin Joshua came to visit us today since we're leaving soon, and he brought the whole last season of...jupp you guessed it SMALLVILLE...So guess what I'm gonna be busy doing this weekend... Well, besides packing that is..!
B.O.B - I'll Be In The Sky...!
This Songs Dedicated To My Grandfather - Milton Brawer
(for those who don't know, he just passed away September 8th 2010, 84Yrs Old)
soo tired
Im laying down in my bed, with my son asleep on my chest. It's moments like these i've learned to really value, because all little ones grow, and pretty soon, before i know it, he'll be too big to lay down and sleep on my chest... Oh how i don't want him too grow this fast!! My dad just told me that i have to go the whole way to ARLANDA (stockholms airport.)! because the airline we're flying with (KLM) dont accept e-tickets when it comes too children under 2. so i have to go the whole way out there, to pick up his ticket. oh well... i didnt finish packing all of Knoxx's stuff, but im seriously almost done which is NOT like me at all!!!! i normaly start packing the night before i leave and have to pull an all nighter, but not this time. i meAn... DUH , im a mother now =) im writing this with closed eyes, yes! ThATS how tired i am!! so , good night! sleep tight! dont let the bed bugs bite!
=) xoxo mama knoxx
Packing Time =)
Soo today I had to go to my "barnmorska" (midwife in english) and get some stuff done, of course my mom drove me and Benny was already back from school, so he had to come with us...lol My appointment was at 13.30, but we got there at 13.33....and guess what, My barnmorska came out to get me at 13.47! Good thing knoxx was sleeping or else he would not have been a happy boy just sitting there in one place...waiting and waiting and waiting...lol When we went shopping yesterday i got a bunch of stuff from H&M for knoxx, my lil H&M boy, but i completely forgot that they had sent me 20% off on everything for kids card, so when i got bak home, i found it, lol...stupid..! So now, i have to take everything i bought back...and then re-buy them with the H&M sale card. Normaly i wouldnt care and just buy more thinngs to use it with, but i have to think about the weight limit on the airlines....Did ya'll know that they changed the weight limit and amount of bags you're allowed to check-in? That's some B.S right there... they went from two bags weighing 25kg each, to ONE bag that weight 23Kg per person. Thank God I have my whole family traveling with me, so I can take all of my things without paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars...! I prolly won't get a chance to take the H&M things back today...but im supposed to meet sandra tomorrow in Skärholmen for some last minute stuff... So i'll prolly do it there..! Okay, my lil man is sleeping so this is my chance to start packing. After all Im taking my whole life with me back to the states... =)
TTYL xoxo....<3
Gyptian - Beautiful Lady
Doesnt this song just give you a serious case of goosebumps?!!
September 15th 2010
Today has been somewhat of a stressfull day...In a good way of course...
My lil baby boy had to get his vaccinations done, THREE OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!!! It nearly killed me...seriously, I've never seen my baby have tears in his eyes before =(
Well after the Doc's appointment I went to tumba centrum (I live in Tumba, which is a lil "town" in Stockholm, SWEDEN) to meet my mommy for some shopping yeey... But I couldn't stay out too long cause my lil man is still sick (buuuuuuuuuu) so we went back home n toook a looooong Nap...
Then we finally went to pick my babys Swedish Passport. (He is soo pretty)
Well...that was pretty much it, My poor baby is sleeping in my arms right now, which is a hint to me; sleeping time... zzzZzZZzzZzzzZ
Soooo... After a Load of requests, I'm FINALLY (yeeey) going to start Blogging. I wasn't quite sure what blogging was all about, but my little sister (Beatrice Brawer) explained to me, "It's simply just like keeping a diary"... Since I've kept a diary for an incrediably large part of my life, this shouldnt be too much of a challenge. I'm not going to do the whole "my name is, i was born, this and that introduction thing" you will get to know me more and more along my writing, =) This will be fun, oh and yeey, now i have something to do besides FACEBOOK! i know my mom will be relieved..lol Well, ill write somemore later, now i have to run down to the grocery store with my little sister and buy vanillia sugar, so that she can bake a cake for my little brother Benjamin, because its his birthday today. Then i'm meeting my mom and we have to drive to Flemingsberg and pick up my sons First Swedish Passport. =) yeey