Soooo... After a Load of requests, I'm FINALLY (yeeey) going to start Blogging. I wasn't quite sure what blogging was all about, but my little sister (Beatrice Brawer) explained to me, "It's simply just like keeping a diary"... Since I've kept a diary for an incrediably large part of my life, this shouldnt be too much of a challenge. I'm not going to do the whole "my name is, i was born, this and that introduction thing" you will get to know me more and more along my writing, =) This will be fun, oh and yeey, now i have something to do besides FACEBOOK! i know my mom will be Well, ill write somemore later, now i have to run down to the grocery store with my little sister and buy vanillia sugar, so that she can bake a cake for my little brother Benjamin, because its his birthday today. Then i'm meeting my mom and we have to drive to Flemingsberg and pick up my sons First Swedish Passport. =) yeey