My Stressy Last Day In Sweden...

Omg So Im finally sitting here, at a hotell room in kalamazoo, Michigan. Rested, showered and Happy, umm but this is what it took to get
SUNDAY - well we were supposed to go to church, BUT as usual, that didnt I guess we had just waaaay tooo much stuff 2 do... Oh was the last day for elections in sweden....So as i was running out the door to go vote my cousin and god daughter came walking through the door (Fatumah and Emma) and then right when nwe were walking out the door my mom shows up, so we got a ride down the street to the voting hall...!
I voted for Mr. Stephen Brawer in Europiska arbetar partiet... (yes you guessed right yes, that is my father) *If anyone is interested in reading what he works with...umm... I'll get you the site later...=)
so then it was packing time,,,i packed all day long but then i didnt get done cause I still needed one more suitcase...LOL
So then monday came along..and omg that was one seriously BUSY day.!!!
My friend Fiona called me and wanted to come and see me real fast before i leave, but she really wanted to see KNOXX, lol =) ...I picked her from the bus stop though cuz we had to run to Tumba Centrum, jappjapp...I had to get ome lasy minute things... like a "näspirator" (thingy that pulls snot out of a babys nose) and my bea came with me as well of course! lol =) But in order to go get the näspirator i had to pick up money my baby sent me ...yeeey..=) so after tumba centum we went back to my placehad a little snack time...tea and the usual you know, But we were somewhat in a hurry cause feyo was supposed to have class and could only hang out for about an hour. I had promised Knoxx's god father Nathaniel to meet him before I left, so i was going to go to the closest shopping center to me, which is Skärholmen, and there I met sandra and Kristina as kinda hit 3birds with one stone., I ended up finding this one "dress/tunika/sweater" in H&M ... and thats also when i remembered what i was really supposed to do in Tumba I was supposed to pick up these pictures I had left in FujiFilm for developing (I promised Doug to have a bunch of Pictures made for his dad Jessie) So after going to skärholmen, (and after forgeting sandras camera at home that I had borrowed) I had to say good bye to nathaniel and Feyo =( and then drive sandra and kristina and my lil baby back home to pick up her camera, yeey and then drive my mom to Hallunda (she had a meeting in S:t Botvid, my old high school) at 15.00 and dropped sandra and kristina off in Alby sooo bye bye my sandy, I hope I get to see you soon again =(
I drove back home, picked bea up, changed knoxx diaperand then we were off to tumba sjukhus (tumba hospital) to pick up a doctors note that knoxx needs for the move to korea, but guess what these idiots did, they wrote it all in yea, so thats probably going to be pretty after TUMBA sjukhus we drove to (we being Bea knoxx and I) Huddinge sjukhus which is the hospital knoxx was born in, and i had to pick up the swedish version of a birth it doesnt even have his name on and then FINALLY we went to tumab centrum to pick up my pictures...=)
and then i could finally go back home to finish Packing...!
it was already 19.30 by the time we were done with everything..!


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