Traveling With Knoxx For The First Time! <3
I ended up staying up ALL NIGHT LONG PACKING!!! and i still managed to forget some of the most imjportant things for my baby...his BABYBJÖRN and the top part of his wagon, which covers him from the sun whenever he's laying down in it sleeping...buuuuu! lol
Ulf (my dad's co-worker) came to pick us up at 6 o'clock... lol it's so funny swedes are always on TIME! haha not like us africans, but yea, he came to pick us up, and we were supposed to leave at 6, but we left at around 6.20 thinking it was no problem since it only takes about 50min to drive to ARLANDA (our airport) boy oh boy were we wrong!!! there was SOO MUCH TRAFFIC because of an accident! and we ended up getting there at 08.20... and then to make it all worse they had changed some dumb rule about swedes traveling to the states so my mom (who's the only one with a swedish passport) had to go get something called ESTA, thank god it only took about 10minutes to complete that process. ! and then we were finally on the plane! First Stop Was AMSTERDAM!! yeey,so now knoxx has been to both sweden and holland! here's the dumb thing, the plane was 20min late, so instead of having our comfortable 45mins layover we ended having a 25min layover... and it took about 10min to get off th eplane and gather all our things together, SO then we had to walk from gate E89 to D24 in 15min, umm, yea that didnt happen, but thank God we have so much luck LOL and and they were holding the flight on ground waiting for us, so we ended up delaying the fllight for about umm...20min...?!! lol but then we were FINALLY on our way to michigan! first we haqd another layover in detroit before flying into kalamazoo, but thank god that layover was not as stressful and muscle killing as the first one!! So Now by baby Knoxx has been to Three Countries!!! Im so excited about starting this new life!!!