still packing....
omg, so i'm not even done packing my sons things yet... One would think I'm a pro at this whole packing thing; since i've been traveling for the passed 2 years, and was moving from continent to continent the 2 yrs before that: but.... eeeeeh NOPE! I'm still waaay too distracted lol, (tv, computer, music, and Bea... lol) Always the last one to get everything done... jee it used to be so much easier when you could take two check-in bags weighing (uumm no one used to care how much!!? ) compared to know, half a kilo more than the weight limit and PAY some serious cash for it, and on top of that only ONE check in baag!!!? ugh, these new days and new rules? i guess im just more of an oldschool gal!! oh well, guess i should go back to packing before my mom yells at me?! lol