I'm Still Not Done...
Yea, you already guessed it; I haven't finished packing... but I PROMISE i will have all the things I need to be in a suitcase IN A SUITCASE tomorrow, =) I was looking through my closet earlier when i was packing, and DUDE I HAVE A LOT OF SHOES! It's ridiculous, but then again , Im a Girl, and i do love shoes!!! aaaaw man which reminds me, My hubby (absolutely love him) ordered a pair of boots for me...hmmm excuse me, I mean he ordered TWO pairs of boots for me (what did i ever do to deserve him??!) but one of the pairs are in the states safe at "home", BUT the other pair was supposed to come to me here in sweden and guess what!!! They haven't arrived yet, oooh im so depressed =( anyway, I guess if they're not here by monday (cause we leave for Michigan Tuesday morning) my mom will just have to mail them to me..GGRRRR that means ill have to wait even longer to wear them and they are A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S!!!!!!! but you know what they say..."Good things are worth waiting for"