Ft. Lee
Today I had to get up SUPER Early!
(well like 06.00 which is super early for me lol)
first the cab came and picked us up (knoxx & I) and then we had to go and pick Doug and then drive to the kenner army hospital, because in order for us (again, knoxx & I) to move to Korea we have to get these physicals done, just to make sure we are healthy enough to move. (which we are)
so after that I had to get MY physical done...and guess what..=) we are both fine =)
after that I finally got my Military I.D Card done...
super yeey
Now that doesnt sound like a lot..BUT IT TOOK ALL DAY.
after getting all of that done, I had to go back to the hotel and packpackpack because tomorrow we move to North Carolina
Been a While
- Monday - I was still in Virginia... but that was his last day of his little mini 4day vaccation. and the rest of the week hmmm... i just stayed in doors....=)
watched the game of course...=) And i also got to write in Knoxxs "My Baby Book". I hope he takes care of it His whole Life Really Good!!! Cause I had to spend a lot of time on it! LOL
Keyshia Cole/Heaven Sent
A Song From The Past That Just Caught Up With Me
Beautiful Song
Relax & Enjoy
(I know I Do Everytime I Hear It)
The Game
I know I know...I'm a traitor hahaha... I'm giving the computer up for a Tv Show...but this Tv Show seriously reminds me about my life and my surroundings these past few yeart (well maybe not few years but A LOT OF YEARS) And i can see myself in every single one of the main characters, I've watched the game before, but I never actually paid attention to it! and now im sitting here second night im up late (well later than usual) and im just sucking in episode after episode season after season... So If i'm not on here writing for another two days... You already know what I'm doing! I'm watching my Tv Shows...
The Game-SmallVille-Vampire Diaries-Hellcats-Nikita-One Tree Hill-Life Unexpected-Gossip Girl-90210
Good Night I have to get back to my show...=)
Knoxx New Crib + Changer Combo
Yes, I finally found the picture, this is going to be My lil mans New Crib and Changing Board...Dark Wood, I Love IT!!!!
Sunday Chill
Right now im trying to enter Knoxx in this picture contest..and he would win $2500, which we could really use to pay for some of his things, and then Save the REst....! eeehhmm College College College College College!
Good Night!
Quality Family Time
The 5 Generation Picture
This is the infamous 5 Generation Picture
From the Left To The Right;
My GreatGrandma, My Grandma, My Father, ME, And My Son Knoxx
Here is my extremely charming Son Doing his:
"Im A Gangster Face"
Isnt He Adorable?
Nelly/Ride With Me
The First Nelly Video That Really Caught My Attention
All I have to say is... At Least I got the laundry done yesterday! cause I didnt get a damn thing done today..haha, naaa well i got some things done. I didnt finish cleaning like I was supposed to, but I already kinda knew I wasnt gonna clean today LOL ... I woke up this morning I was having fun playing with knoxx...haha i was dancing for him, dancing with him and listening to music..LOL Gotta make sure he gets that Rythm right from the start you know..haha I did however end up going to Target With Knoxx and getting a few things... Candles (since we ended up staying in the same room it still smells like smoke, which i still hate), a pencil sharpener for my eyeliner (lol) wetnaps for Knoxx because he was almost out and then a few containers to keep food in after cooking..The african style of doing things you know =) Then we got back home and Of course I had to watch the show i just wrote about here under..lol
ok thats all for now... my fingers are dead..
Bow Wow/Outta My System
Well After watching Him Perform Of COurse I Had To Post My Fav Video!
BET's 106 & Park 10 Year Celebration
I'm sitting here watching BET's 106 & Park 10 Year... And So far Trey Songz, Ne-Yo, and Ashanti have performed. Hmmm Trey songz I gues he is pretty okay as a performer, he is easy on the eyes and has a smooth voice but thats pretty much it, i've never really liked any of his songs and im a fair criticizer! Now Ne-Yo on the other hand He is a GREAT Performer, he dances, he has a perfect voice and I LOVE his music, i definitely give him a 100% on his performance... hmm Ashanti...how do i say this in a nice way?! Only reason the girl got a record deal is because she is close to JaRule!!! It has to be.. cause that girl CAN NOT SING! She hits maybe @ out of 5 notes right. THATS TERRIBLE for a star, damn girl, use that money you're making and get a voice coach...? Please!
Now it's Ice Cubes Turn to perform...haha lets c what he hits us with?!
aaah man one cant even complain about Ice Cube... he is so Old School and well respected..he is definitely one of the top artists there today!!
This show is so big it is being sent LIVE from three different cities...
Manhattan, New York
Charlotte, North Carolina
Los Angeles, California
Fabulous is performing right now..haha I have respect for him 2, his music isnt all that, but he can perform and get u into any song he is performing 2, and I've seen him live (Urban cruise 2006, in Sweden) and he is definitely aiight...!
aaahhhmm...that was definitely My favorite SO far..!! haha, anyone that knows me knows that I used to have the HUGEST Crush on him..haha I remember being 13 and watching him perform he was like 4" tall..haha
That was in Sweden as well..(I gotta say I LOVE my sweden for giving me the chance to meet and watch so many great artists perform!!!)
oh and Of course they saved the best for Last, Bow wow was the last performer!!!
Now I need to clean before Hellcatz starts at 21.00
Ginuwine/In Those Jeans
Any More Room For Him, In Those Jeans?
Alicia Keys
Alicia Augello Cook, born January 25, 1981, better known by her stage name Alicia Keys, is an American recording artist, musician and actress.
She Is Also One Of My Idols
Raquel "Rocsi" Diaz
Raquel Roxanne Diaz, born 17 November 1983 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, better known by her stage name Rocsi, is an American Host of 106 & Park television personality.
Nneka - Half Nigeriand Half German.
African Blood/African Music/African Beauty
Thumb Sucking....
aww, my little baby fell asleep sucking on his thumb just now...
this is the first time i've seen him do that, and another thing is a saw him roll over today all by himself! he was laying on his back and he just rolled over onto his stomach, omg i was so surprised, but that means there is no more leaving him alone on the bed by himself! (which i almost never did, except for when i had to throw his diaper and i leave him on his little "mini" changing board..) but yea, there is no more of that what so ever.!
My baby is growing and becoming so strong.
Stay a baby forever Knoxx!
My Prince
My Little Baby, My Life, My Heart, My World, My Son, My Prince
My Everything
Knoxx Benjamin Combs
I Did It, I finished The Laundry
haha..I finally Finished The Laundry..well, i actually finished it a while ago, but umm, yea u know me...I have my shows I need to watch everyday...haha (19.00 it was Bones, 20.00 It Was One Tree Hill, 21.00 it was Life Unexpected) And Now im just browsing through the channels I and I seriously can't find anything worth watching at all...lol My lil baby is sleeping, he was actually up a lot today, he npaped for only about 4 hours ALL DAY ... thats a little unusual, hmm maybe he's just growing..=) So I re-arranged the room, I moved both beds together and pushed them towards the wall instead of having them separated, so that doug can join us instead of sleeping on his own bed on the other side of the room, lol...! I folded most of knoxxs things and put them away and some of my things, but i still have to re-arrange my shoes and find a place for them, and i still have some more cleaning to do in the room until i am 100% satisfied...! oh well, I guess that will be tomorrow, hey at least I got the laundry done, and I spent $15 getting it done..LOL There is another reason i look forward to having my own house, and buying my own laundry machine that works..!!! (cause these laundry machines SUCK! they dont get the stains out at all..useless!) I was actually looking at washing machines and dryers when i was in BestBuy the other day, and it was about $800-$1000 for a GOOD machine..! Which is what i intend on getting..! lol TOMORROW My Dougie is back from his training, I missed him...okay well its time for me to browse through the net a little, and find some music and items I like...=)
I'll be back tomorrow, I promise!
Okay, So i've been "procrastinating" (which happens to also be my husbands fav. word when it come to me lol) when it comes to laundry day and all that good stuff like cleaning..SO Guess what..!? TODAY IS THE DAY..I'm going to Do Laundry and Clean up the whole Room!
P.S But First I Need to Fix My Itunes...lol
Beatrice My Crazy Mini Me <3
My Beautiful Little sister All Grown Up Getting Hair Extensions And Stuff Already...
Am I Getting Old?
I Love You Bea <3
My Little Family <3
Here Is An Interesting Picture Of My Life... You Can see Me, Part Of Doug & Part Of Knoxx.
I <3 Them...
Hmm... typical yaya
I need to go to bed now
Love ya'll
Bruno Mars/Just The Way You Are
Here Is an Artist Who is On The Rise To The Top!
Just The Way You Are By Bruno Mars - Cutest Song So Far 2010!
Wonderful Weekend <3
But then again, our day was cut shorter than we had planned (as usual, but u know when u're an army wife you kind of need to get used to the whole idea of army coming first, because its not a normal job, if they need him they need him, and its important, and I really do understand, but sometimes =( i want to spend some time with my husband 2... LOL =) ) Oh well...today was just a chill at home with knoxx day and take it easy.. Tomorrow I have a bunch of things to do , but I dont know if im going to be able to fit everything in, SO I'll let u know when i blog tomorrow which one of these I decided to do´...
*Go on base and get my Military I.D Done...
*Laundry Day
*Well I HAVE to switch rooms tomorrow because the room we have is a smoking one, and anyone who knows me knows i absolutely hate SMOKE! BLÄÄÄÄÄ!
Good Night Dear Readers, =)
Rainy Days In Virginia
I Really can't wait till we get to Korea, and I can Start doing some real shopping for house stuff, =)