I Did It, I finished The Laundry
haha..I finally Finished The Laundry..well, i actually finished it a while ago, but umm, yea u know me...I have my shows I need to watch everyday...haha (19.00 it was Bones, 20.00 It Was One Tree Hill, 21.00 it was Life Unexpected) And Now im just browsing through the channels I and I seriously can't find anything worth watching at all...lol My lil baby is sleeping, he was actually up a lot today, he npaped for only about 4 hours ALL DAY ... thats a little unusual, hmm maybe he's just growing..=) So I re-arranged the room, I moved both beds together and pushed them towards the wall instead of having them separated, so that doug can join us instead of sleeping on his own bed on the other side of the room, lol...! I folded most of knoxxs things and put them away and some of my things, but i still have to re-arrange my shoes and find a place for them, and i still have some more cleaning to do in the room until i am 100% satisfied...! oh well, I guess that will be tomorrow, hey at least I got the laundry done, and I spent $15 getting it done..LOL There is another reason i look forward to having my own house, and buying my own laundry machine that works..!!! (cause these laundry machines SUCK! they dont get the stains out at all..useless!) I was actually looking at washing machines and dryers when i was in BestBuy the other day, and it was about $800-$1000 for a GOOD machine..! Which is what i intend on getting..! lol TOMORROW My Dougie is back from his training, I missed him...okay well its time for me to browse through the net a little, and find some music and items I like...=)
I'll be back tomorrow, I promise!
Hoppas du får en fin dag! :)
Aaaw.. I love reading about your mommy and wifey adventures.. Mad love for you and Knoxxie <3 <3
PS; Ask Sandruska to send you 'Vanish' from Sweden.. that will handle those stains..