All I have to say is... At Least I got the laundry done yesterday! cause I didnt get a damn thing done today..haha, naaa well i got some things done. I didnt finish cleaning like I was supposed to, but I already kinda knew I wasnt gonna clean today LOL ... I woke up this morning I was having fun playing with knoxx...haha i was dancing for him, dancing with him and listening to music..LOL Gotta make sure he gets that Rythm right from the start you know..haha I did however end up going to Target With Knoxx and getting a few things... Candles (since we ended up staying in the same room it still smells like smoke, which i still hate), a pencil sharpener for my eyeliner (lol) wetnaps for Knoxx because he was almost out and then a few containers to keep food in after cooking..The african style of doing things you know =) Then we got back home and Of course I had to watch the show i just wrote about here
ok thats all for now... my fingers are dead..
sv: Hade grå/bruna koftan som jag har på mig på bilderna på mig med hårförlängning, med ett vitt linne och jeansen från forever21 :) Saknar er, hälsa knooooxxx! <3