The Game
I know I know...I'm a traitor hahaha... I'm giving the computer up for a Tv Show...but this Tv Show seriously reminds me about my life and my surroundings these past few yeart (well maybe not few years but A LOT OF YEARS) And i can see myself in every single one of the main characters, I've watched the game before, but I never actually paid attention to it! and now im sitting here second night im up late (well later than usual) and im just sucking in episode after episode season after season... So If i'm not on here writing for another two days... You already know what I'm doing! I'm watching my Tv Shows...
The Game-SmallVille-Vampire Diaries-Hellcats-Nikita-One Tree Hill-Life Unexpected-Gossip Girl-90210
Good Night I have to get back to my show...=)