Wonderful Weekend <3

So, since Doug is at AIT training (Advanced Individual Training) I obviously Don't get to see him everyday, I only get to see him during weekends when he is not in "Class"... But this weekend didnt work out as planned, since they were going away a few days for some special training, So i only only got to spend a few hours with him friday (and im not complaining, cuz for the first time ever I got to see him in his ARMY UNIFORM, =) and jeez I have one Handsome Husband) hmmm, and what did we do friday he met me in target, and I got to show him a few things we need for knoxx, like car seat weather protector, and a diaper wardrobe, and actually a whole bunch of things I would like to get for knoxx...(yea yea i know, I AM a shoppaholic) and then after target i got to show him the cute little black and pink hardrive i want from BestBuy and also the GPS that would be useful for us..! (for me, so i dont get lost when im driving around in korea, lol) but shortly after we went home he had to leave buuuuuuu! BUT!!! then he came over rather early saturday (yeeeey) and we were supposed to go have lunch with his two fellow roommates, but we had to take a raincheck on that...hopefully before we have to leave Virginia Ill be able to meet his Two friends. But yea we did the usual saturday, we went grocery shopping, We got knoxx his first swing/rock chair...yeeey Finally! I've been wanting to get it for a while, but i didnt want to get it when i was back at home in sweden, cuz it would have been another thing i had to Ship over here with me, and yea, i decided it would be better to wait since i was already bringing 4huge suitcases and 3small ones..lol!
But then again, our day was cut shorter than we had planned (as usual, but u know when u're an army wife you kind of need to get used to the whole idea of army coming first, because its not a normal job, if they need him they need him, and its important, and I really do understand, but sometimes =( i want to spend some time with my husband 2... LOL =) )  Oh well...today was just a chill at home with knoxx day and take it easy.. Tomorrow I have a bunch of things to do , but I dont know if im going to be able to fit everything in, SO I'll let u know when i blog tomorrow which one of these I decided to do´...
*Go on base and get my Military I.D Done...
*Laundry Day
*Well I HAVE to switch rooms tomorrow because the room we have is a smoking one, and anyone who knows me knows i absolutely hate SMOKE! BLÄÄÄÄÄ!

Good Night Dear Readers, =)


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