Quality Family Time
Today Has Gone By fast, but at the same time not fast...lol My Dougie Came by last night, and today we were just in doors, planning for the future, and talking bout things we need to do in order to get there...like I said once before, When you're starting out with a new family new life new everything if u havent gotten everything planned you will not succeed. And I can't believe how true one of my favorite quotes is "When You Fail To Plan, You Are Planning On Failing"... Well.. Im exhausted sorry I was so short today.. But I Need to Put knoxx to sleep now..lol
Postat av: Bea
Postat av: Bea
Asså jag är KamratstödjAre i min klass så alla kamratstödjare på skolan skulle ta en bild
Postat av: FIONA - en ointressant vardag