Hmm... typical yaya
Sooo...(lol, it feels like i start a lot of my "stories" like that) I was supposed to go and do a whole bunch of things today..BUT This is what happened....: I was supposed to swith rooms today, but in order to do that i had to wait for the front desk to open, which it was supposed to do at 10...but the girl didnt get here till 11!!! and after going down TWICE before 11 and bouncing, i went back down at around 12, and Guess what after waisting my Whole morning, the hotel is so booked she ended up keeping me in the SAME room! So i was like WTF... So I decided that going to make my Military I.D sounded extremely exciting...buuut, being as I am, of course I just had to CALL first, JUST TO MAKE SURE... I had everything I needed in order to get my I.D done, and thats when the lady tells me that I need my husband (Douglas Combs) in order to make my I.D...silly Dougie sending me to places without all the right information..=) PLUS you have to make an appointment... SO I made an appointment (Thursday at 9.10am, somebody please remind me) SO...In other words...I didnt switch rooms, and I didnt go on base to get my I.D done, AND I didnt do the laundry either..What I DID do...(hihi) is Fix this new computer, yeey...I uploaded all the pictures from my grandfathers funeral, the military ceremony the family re-union (umm, yea MY little family) and the pictures from the flights Europe to the states...=) I actually have a whole other bunch to upload...(from my iPod though) ok well..tomorrow is cleaning and laundry...SUPER PROMISE...
I need to go to bed now
Love ya'll
I need to go to bed now
Love ya'll